Herbalist’s Shop
La Casa Antica

Morning: 09:00 – 13:00
Evening: 17:30 – 22:30
Sunday: Open

Who we are …

Telling about “La Casa Antica” is like telling of an alchemical crucifix in which love, passion, research, challenge and knowledge are united.

La Casa Antica was born 35 years ago at Macomer in a late eighteenth-century building. It is in this fairy-tale space and the scent of spices that our dream becomes reality.

These were the days when companies were born today in the field of herbal medicine, national and international, and with some of them we continue to cooperate today, developing study days, experimenting and building day by day the history of herbalist.

In our shop …

We have

  • Herbs and Teas
  • Cosmetics and Health
  • Bach Flowers
  • Essential Oils
  • Spices and Tea
  • An experienced team at your disposal

Our products …

It is in an ancient building in the old town of Alghero that today Kinesiology, Naturopathy, Bach Flowers, Spagiria, Chinese Natural Medicine and much more enrich the reception and availability that are and remain the absolute values of La Casa Antica, together with Empathy and attention to every person.

With passion, dedication, attention and much love we approach each day to this delicate job and people who for years choose to give us confidence and share with us stories, fragility, but also joys, hopes and many satisfactions.

Come and discover all the products best suited to your needs!

Do you need more information? Write to us …

Accettazione trattamento dati personali

Where we are …
Via Gilbert Ferret 51, 07041 Alghero (SS)

© La Casa Antica di Scarpa Carlo & C. s.n.c. | P.IVA 01890190901 - Web Project PramaWeb